I’ll drive a car and I’m like, oh my God, man, that is just absolutely mint when it comes to Tulsa car detailing. And then all of a sudden it’s stuck and that’s why I go by our company, Oklahomies Car Detailing. And that’s my thing. We truly love to give our customers the very best Tulsa detailing. We are absolutely number one when it comes to auto detailing. It’s what I do that is so awesome, man. So I usually ask people, you know, I’m like, well, how’d you get your first 10 customers, but I guess he kinda got them from the car lot then. Right. We have had customers I’ve had for over 20 years and they don’t want anybody to touch their car besides Oklahomies Car Detailing in Tulsa, I mean, if I had one of those cars right there, I would not want anybody to touch it.
You can bring your car to us before you sell it for the best Tulsa car detailing. These are our cars, these are all for sale. So like everything you see from, you know, this Buick grand national right here. See, my family’s business was started over 70 years ago and I was never a car salesman per se. I mean, I could sell anything I’m really good at talking about, but I’m always on the other end of things, like the detailing end of it. You know what I mean? Like I had to fix things, you know, polish or wet sand, you know, you name it. I could pretty much do it. What I should do is I should use my VA benefits and go to school and learn how to paint cars, because I kind of want to learn how to do that. But then at the same time, I also love being that finisher that, you know, the guy that basically, you know, makes that final appearance when people walk up and they smile because their car looks so good.
The best part of Tulsa car detailing is that we have at least two or 300 regular customers that are main customers. I’d say two or 300 people that are just like hitting me up, like, you know, all year round. But you know, this business, not everyone, but he wants to spend, you know, four or $500 every couple of months, you know, or every, every month or say, but I mean, again, you just gotta be fair. Hey, you know, a shopping cart hit my car and told you, you gotta fix this. That is what we do for you here at Oklahomies Car Detailing.
My husband cannot see that I backed into the garage again. Let me compound it. So that’s what weI try to offer to our customers. I don’t try to, you know, shoot for the moon, hit the lifetime stream at coatings for cars. Let’s say you got to spend $3,000 on his ceramic coating. We can do it for nine months for our coatings. We can do this. We can do it, you’ve got to offer a spectrum of things. And you also want to get, you also want to know your self worth and what you want to make an hour per job. You know what I mean? I like, I look at like a base percentage of what I like to make per hour. And Hey, if I make $150 an hour, that’s a grand slam, a hundred dollars. That’s a home run, anything between, you know, but Hey, you know, on average you want to base maybe, I mean in my opinion, 25 to $40 an hour and that’s good money, but not, not on the money aspect of it. It’s more so that feeling of like making people happy and that wow factor, you know, you’re detailing a yacht for someone at the marina and this guys, you know, it’s a $7 million yacht, but you know, and he’s happy and you impressed a millionaire. You’re like, yeah, you know, that’s my life. I love boats. Motorcycles I’ll do anything. I’ll detail a human being if they come to my shop.
The goal of the podcast is to help newer detailers, right? So what advice would you give them so they can get land, those bigger jobs? You know, let’s say they’re starting out, they’re making, you know, they have a bucket and a brush and a wash mitt. You know, they’re using this soap. Well everything has its purpose in the detailing world and you can call us at 918-999-0355 with any questions about auto detailing. When you are ready to schedule a detailing appointment with us then sign up at https://oklahomiescardetailing.com/ now.
Tulsa Car Detailing | Mobile Detailing Was Never Easier To Schedule
At Oklahomies Car Detailing, we are your bro-fessional Tulsa car detailing company, We make it a great experience and you will love the professionalism and fun that we offer you. You can take a little bit of Dawn detergent, put it in a big spray bottle. I’m talking a little couple drops and you got yourself carpet cleaner. Oh yeah. I mean, listen, I can tell you my big thing is this okay? Well, when you’re starting out your biggest obstacle is knowing what detailing products to use, Whatever you have in your arsenal to attack a job, you know, little by little, you want to start to build up from the ground up to the top, to the top. I mean, I didn’t, I started at the bottom. Nobody’s ever given me anything my entire life. Okay. I’ve had to work every day, I had to go to the military to get my education. I had to go do this. I had it. You know, I had to go every route I could without any help from anyone and that is what made me a great detailer and what my customers love.
If you are looking for a great Tulsa car detailing experience we have it for you here. Oklahomies Car Detailing is the best company here in the Tulsa area for you today. When we started, we were mobile. I started out with Tupperware containers, you know, or whatever, filled with supplies in the back of my SUV. Then I buy it, you know, that I bought a Silverado. Then I loaded that up. So I’m going back and forth. You know, I was eating out of my house for years. And then I finally, you know, jumped up to a big shop like this. These are his cars. So I’ve got some investments here. We’ve got some things. I get jumping, any one of these rides, if I want right now and go rip the gears out of it for fun. You know, it’s a good thing. It’s what I built. I mean, as I come through the showroom, this is where the real magic takes place, in my opinion. This is where I do my detailing and customers come to get their cars professionally detailed.
Awesome. Welcome folks to the detailing diaries podcast today. I have the incredible Morgan Bellenger. How are you doing brother? I’ve been detailing probably three weeks to a month. Now. I am still day job planning. I would probably leave that soon because Tulsa car detailing is making me more than my day job does. Detailing is probably what has taken off from me more than anything else.How’d you like to get into detailing and stuff? What, what made you be, what peaked your interest in it? There are lots of people that love it and it is fun. You get to turn something dirty into a brand new looking car. It is a great transformation that takes place.
At Oklahomies Car Detailing, a lot of what we sell is like detailing equipment, compounds, polished, waxes, stuff like that. And so just a combination of that and I started watching a video about just guys who detail and make money from it. I picked up some equipment and began to go detail cars. My parents paid me 150 bucks and we detailed both their two cars. I decided I liked it because I could just sit there for four hours, pump a detail and I enjoyed it so much. I didn’t even find myself hard. I turned it into a great business.
What we did to drum up business for Oklahomies Car detailing is that we reached out to pretty much all my family and friends on Facebook and Instagram and stuff. And I just basically told them, I’ll give you a 50% discount on my normal prices since you’re family and friends. And then once I have those people down, I have, I take pictures after every detail. So I have pictures from all those details, put on my Instagram and Facebook and make a portfolio which is online at https://oklahomiescardetailing.com/. Plus some of those people will like to refer other people or to leave reviews on my platforms that helps me get more customers. You can call to book an appointment now at 918-999-0355.